The Satanic Temple's Protect Children Project has put the Cassville R-IV School District in Missouri on notice, after the district decided to reinstate corporal punishment as a disciplinary practice in August of 2022. Corporal punishment used against children is not only abhorrent, but is scientifically proven to cause long term psychological harm, as well as being ineffective at addressing behavioral problems. It's also a violation of TST members' religious belief in bodily autonomy. Thusly, an official letter has been sent by the Protect Children Project to Superintendent Dr. Merlyn Johnson and the district school board, notifying them that all current and future TST student members are exempt from their policy of corporal punishment, as well as seclusion, restraint, and denial of bathroom access. To ignore this will open the door to civil and possibly criminal liabilities. If you are a TST member experiencing physical or psychological abuse in school or simply want to take preemptive action, contact us at pcp@thesatanictemple.com.
Click here to read the full press release.
Click here to learn more about our PCP campaign.
Click here to read the full press release.
Click here to learn more about our PCP campaign.