TST has distributed hoodies to Satanists in Pennsylvania’s Mahanoy Area School District as part of a religious ritual. This comes in response to administrators threatening to take disciplinary action against students who wanted to participate in a peaceful protest by wearing hoodies. The students wanted to protest the school district’s suspension of a student who used general profanity about the school in a Snapchat message that she sent privately to friends while she was off of school property.
TST sent a notice to the Mahanoy District School Board informing them that Satanists in the school district may wear Satanic hoodies “as a religious exercise as an expression of their faith.” The notice says that the School’s “extensive efforts to control speech explicitly violate our religious tenets and our sacred mission to oppose tyranny.”
Inside the hoodies, there will be messages that address the school, such as “Fuck the fascist Mahanoy School District,” “Fuck Mahanoy’s petty tyrants,” “Fuck Mahanoy school board in their smelly, dirty assholes.” The message will not be visible to anyone while the hoodie is worn. In the notice to the School Board, we state, “This will be an act of ritual defiance which we have carefully planned to avoid any disruption of your important scholastic purposes.” This religious exercise is protected by Pennsylvania’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment.
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Thyself is Thy Master. Hail Satan!
The Satanic Temple, Inc. is 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible in accordance with IRS rules and regulations. The Federal Tax ID is 82-3404757.