Register now for SatanCon 2023 now! April 28-30, 2023 in Boston, MA!
The Satanic Temple sued Scottsdale, AZ, for refusing to allow the organization the opportunity to deliver an invocation before its city council meetings. Even though the city had never rejected anyone else’s request, and both Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane and Councilmember Suzanne Klapp celebrated their efforts to prevent The Satanic Temple from delivering an invocation, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the city did not engage in unlawful discrimination.
The event was dedicated to Mayor Lane and Councilmember Klapp who took pride in depriving The Satanic Temple of their civil liberties by refusing to allow one TST member the opportunity to utter a brief, solemn message. Hundreds of Satanists descended on Scottsdale for an entire weekend. Lane and Klapp looked even worse when residents discovered just how charitable TST members are.
The conference is SOLD OUT, but shoppers are welcome in the Marketplace!
2:00 PM: Opening Ceremony - Chalice Blythe, Karl Kasarda
3:15 PM: TheSatanicTemple.TV or How to Bootstrap Your Own Satanic TV Network - William Morrison
4:30 PM: The history of Satan Across Cultures - Winter Wiorkowski
5:45 PM: Satanic Jeopardy! - Karl Kasarda
7:00 PM: Offsite entertainment "Impurity Ball" - TST AZ, Szandora LaVey, Pixel Grip -- TICKETS ON SALE SOON
10:00 AM: Keynote Speech - Lucien Greaves
11:45 AM: "Devil's Food" with The Satanic Chef - Adam Dodge Ostrofsky
12:00 PM: Unbowed and Unfettered: The Scottsdale Invocation Case - Stu de Haan, Matthew Kezhaya
2:00 PM: Public Records for Satan: Using FOIA to Fight Satanic Panic, from Grey Faction to Scottsdale - Evan Anderson
2:30 PM: Darwin vs. The Lord of Lies - Aron Ra
3:15 PM: Abortion as a (Religious) Right - Mari Davis
3:45 PM: Satanism and the BIPOC Community - Citlali Soona
4:30 PM: Pluralism, Religious Liberty, and the FIght for Satanic Representation - Viktor LaMent
5:45 PM: 6th Invocation of the New Creative Aeon - Steven Johnson Leyba
10:00 AM: Sobriety Without Superstition - Joe Dee, Jon Eldritch, Helle Bent, Cheyenne Xochitl Love, Larry Revoir
10:30 AM: Raising Children in a Satanic Household - Melissa Morley
11:!5 AM: After School Satan Club - June Everett
12:00 PM: Satanic Book Club: How to Talk about Books You Haven't Read (but Should) - Salem Black
1:15 PM: Closing Ceremony - TST SatanCon Committee